Production & Logistics Workshop

Highly efficient factories coupled with lean and stable supply chains are the main aims for all managers with responsibility for production and logistics. But these goals can be very hard to achieve and even harder to maintain, especially in China. The Production & Logistics Workshop aims to provide a forum for managers and engineers who are interested in learning from experts and sharing experiences about approaches, solutions and best practices.

If you are interested in topics such as lean production, effective supply chain management, shop floor management, continuous improvement and supplier development we encourage you to join us. Between four and six events are organized every year. They include one or two presentations with follow group discussions and social networking. We also organize best practice trips to see how benchmark factories in China operate.

Who Should Participate
The workshop may be of interest for CEOs, COOs, general managers, plant managers, production managers, supply chain managers, logistics managers, engineers and anyone who is interested in production and logistics.