Incubation Solutions

The Incubation Solutions concept, offered by the AHK Greater China to German companies, provides an alternative to your own representative office or establishing your own subsidiary in China.

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For internationally oriented companies, China is one of the most important investment locations worldwide. Regardless of market potential evaluations, market entry preparations, strategy development for market launches or the organization of quality management, it is worthwhile for German companies to be present locally. However, finding a suitable office, staff and the right service providers in China is no easy undertaking. The Incubation Solutions concept, offered by the AHK Greater China to German companies, provides a convenient alternative.

Alongside representing your company’s interests on-site, we support you in selecting and hiring staff, setting up a workplace in the AHK Greater China’s office space, and offer you administrative support from IT to finances. Incubation Solutions also gives you convenient access to ministries, authorities and federations, and provides an extensive network of contacts, as well as know-how and numerous other services.

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