Policy Snapshots

Navigating China's ever-evolving regulatory landscape can be challenging, which is why we provide valuable insights that help contextualize policy changes. The Policy Snapshot is a bi-weekly briefing on the latest Chinese policies for German companies in China. The Policy Snapshot is shared on the WeChat Channels of the German Chamber and can also be accessed on this site. As a member of the German Chamber, you can also benefit from our more comprehensive report, the Policy Barometer, which is delivered straight to your inbox.

Policy Snapshot – Recent National and Regional Policies in China (April 3, 2024)

New Regulations on Cross-Border Data Transfer

The CAC released the new Regulations on Promoting and Standardizing Cross-Border Data Transfer, after a call for comments last September. The document includes some relaxed measures for the transfer of personal data. For important data, it details that all data that has not been classified or publicly released as important data by authorities will not be regarded as important data.

Our take:

The document was only a first—albeit tangible—step toward facilitating cross-border data transfer. As a next step, we have to wait for the actual negative list for Free Trade Zones and the important data catalogs from the authorities.  

On Monday, March 25, a more detailed analysis of the update on Cross-border Data Transfer Regulations was sent to our members’ mailboxes.

New Regulations on Promoting and Standardizing Cross-Border Data Transfer 

Guidance on Energy Work in 2024

The National Energy Administration released the Guidance on Energy Work in 2024. The document highlights the priority of ensuring national energy security, while promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy. It specifies that the share of installed power generators from non-fossil sources should increase to about 55%, and the share of wind and solar power generation should amount to more than 17%.

Our take:

This new document again shows that balancing energy supply with energy efficiency (through new technologies, e.g., in energy storage) is the direction and way forward in the energy field. Progress in this area is absolutely necessary for China’s decarbonization goals and for satisfying the paramount need for (green) energy. However, significant structural barriers still hinder progress in this field.

Guidance on Energy Work in 2024

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