Mangifera Analytics is looking for a local partner to provide Sales and Business Development.
Company Name : Mangifera Analytics
Country in which the company is located: Germany
Does your company have representative offices abroad? If so, where? : Brazil
Industry, type of business: Mangifera Analytics is a market intelligence platform for renewable energy investors. We combine German expertise with the fast growing Brazilian market. Our clients benefit from information, services as well as access to investment opportunities in the profitable Brazilian wind and solar power sectors.
Products or services offered:
- Market Report and Market Intelligence on all there is to know about investments into renewable energy assets in Brazil. Our products are available both off the shelf or on demand, according to client's specific needs.
- Training: we offer training, courses and webinars for organizations willing to cultivate expertise and insights on the energy sector in Brazil
- Project Entry and Transaction Arrangement: we enable Chinese investors to realize investments into solar and wind power.
What kind of business contacts are you looking for: general contacts within the industry
Description of the project proposal:
China is today the largest foreign investor in the renewable energy sector in Brazil, alongside German companies that are strongly present in the Brazilian green field development market. Mangifera Analytics builds bridges between Chinese investors and utilities, German knowhow in project development and Brazilian local opportunities.
To help promote products and services in China we are looking for a local partner to provide Sales and Business Development on behalf of Mangifera Analytics.
Our platform is already set out for digital/virtual cooperation and our systems are transparent and independent, allowing for high level of trust and governance between our partners and ourselves.
In which region of China is the company looking for business partners:
Mainland China, North China, East China, South & Southwest China, Hong Kong