German premium coffee manufacturer

Country in which the Company is located: Germany

Does your company have representative offices abroad? If so, where? No.

Industry, type of business: Coffee production

Products or services offered: High quality premium freeze-dried instant coffee producer

Description of previous or current cooperation’s with companies in Greater China: No

What kind of business contacts is the company looking for?: OEM sales partners

Specification for business contacts: German premium coffee producers are now looking for domestic OEM sales partners. Chinese partners should have their own brands or stores, have knowledge of the coffee industry or relevant experience, and have distribution channels in the industry.

Description of the project proposal:

A germany company producing High quality premium freeze-dried instant coffee is looking for OEM sales partners in China. Chinese partners should have their own brands or stores, have knowledge of the coffee industry or relevant experience, and have distribution channels in the industry.

If you are interested, please contact us.

In which region of China is the company looking for business partners?: Mainland China

Contact person: 

German Industry & Commerce Greater China
Ms. MA Wendi
Phone: +86-10-6539-6634
E-Mail: ma.wendi(at)