European Famous Household Brand
Country in which the Company is located: Germany
Does your company have representative offices abroad? If so, where?: No
Industry, type of business: Household Brand
Products or services offered: The company has four product lines: Presents; Decoration; Tableware; Home & living
Description of previous or current cooperation’s with companies in Greater China: NO current cooperations
What kind of business contacts is the company looking for?: Investment partners
Specification for business contacts:
- Trading experience offline and online (via T-mall, etc.)
- Experience in setting up nationwide branch networks
- Optional: brand sales experience via the networks of other chain stores (department stores etc.)
- Good relations with the rental departments of the major malls
- Industry: Furnishing sector (home accessories, giftware ..) or Fashion
- Experience in brand management
- Cooperation experience with Western partners
- Nationwide logistics (central warehouses, transport connections to major cities - also via freight forwarders)
- Strong financial strength
- Cooperation can be thought of as a franchise or joint venture.
- In terms of perspective, it is also possible to speak about direct participation in the German parent company
Description of the project proposal: One of Europe's best-known home furnishing brands, now hopes to connect with investment partners in related fields in China.
The company has four product lines: household items, cutlery, decorations and gifts.
The company hopes to connect with investment partners who have online and offline sales networks, mature national distribution channels and experience in working with imported brands. Cooperation can be carried out in a franchise (chain) or in the form of a joint venture.
If you are interested, you can contact us directly.
In which region of China is the company looking for business partners?: Mainland China
Contact person:
German Industry & Commerce Greater China
Ms. Sun Qitong
Phone: +86-10-6539-6637
E-Mail: sun.qitong(at)