South & Southwest China
Leadership and Management
[Online Training] Strategies for Helping Yourself and Others Through Change
Event Language
Member: RMB 850/seat 会员:850 人民币/每位
Nonmember: RMB 1,050/seat 非会员:1,050 人民币/每位
Event Start
10/06/2020 · 14:00
Event End
11/06/2020 · 12:30

Objectives and Content  目标与内容

The people who most often are affected by change and those who end up having to implement change are an organisation’s employees. These are the people who contribute their ideas, energy, and labor to create value for the orginisation every day. For this reason, any successful organisational change strategy must develop employee competencies that involve an understanding of the forces that are causing change, a knowledge of the emotional impact of change to themselves and others, and an awareness of the qualities of personal resilience in the face of organisational change.

This one-day online workshop is designed to develop employee understandings and skills. It seeks to help employees not only to realize a positive result through an organisational change but also to enable them to offer constructive ideas and suggestions that can contribute to improving the change itself.

By the end of this interactive online training course participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the impact that change has on employees and how it might affect customers and other stakeholders.
  • Identify the actions people can tak to enable a healthy response to change.
  • Describe the forces causing organisational change and the implications for the organisation.
  • Identify the losses and hidden opportunitites created by the change.
  • Develop resilence in those affected by the change.



  • Perception of change
  • The forces driving change.
  • Understanding change resistance
  • Developing change resilence in yourself and others
  • Experiencing personal change
  • Identifying the perceived loasses and opportunities from change


Target Group

This 6-hour interactive Online Workshop is suitable for everyone who is part of an organisational change.


Detailed Schedule 

This 6-hour training will be held online in 2 sessions as following:

14:00-17:00, Wednesday, 10 June

09:30-12:30, Thursday,  11 June



Mr. Iwan Wuelser

Iwan Wuelser from Switzerland is an expert in digital transformation, organizational development, change management, personal-, leadership-, and team development and training. His work experience over 20 years includes Multinational companies, Small and Medium Enterprises. Iwan’s consulting and facilitation and training experience and practice in different countries consist of broad coverage from Leadership- to Team development as well as Personal Development. Intercultural diversity is vital in his work. As an entrepreneur in China, his passion is to help organizations meet the challenges of digitalization, diversity, and globalization. While being a Senior Manager and Global IT Project Manager at a Multinational Company, Iwan worked to develop people in different roles and positions, refining his coaching and leadership skills and philosophies.


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