Candidates of Board Election 2022

Below is the list of 16 candidates in alphabetical order by last name. Click the profiles and the videos to learn more about each candidate.

1. Mr. Titus Freiherr von dem Bongart

2. Mr. Martin Broda

3. Ms. Qian Chen

4. Ms. Laura Günther

5. Mr. Michael Kruppe

6. Mr. Johannes Mirecki

7. Mr. Clas Neumann

8. Mr. Sven O. Otten

9. Ms. Jing Qian

10. Mr. Holger Santel

11. Ms. Brigitte Wolff

12. Mr. Christoph Weber

13. Ms. Jenny Xiang

14. Ms. Jia Xu

15. Mr. Richard Zhang

16. Mr. Tony Zhang