German Chamber of Commerce

AHK Charter Flights: Fly with us in November


We updated our flight schedule for November. Seats are filling up quickly, but we still have availabilities for our last flight for this year on 24 November. If you plan to arrive in China in 2021 – seize this chance! The next flight will depart FRA in January. To reserve your seat, please follow the link below or get in touch with us!

AHK Charter Flights to China

The next planned flights* from Frankfurt to Qingdao will be according to the schedule below:

Flight Nr. From Date, Time To Date, Time
LH 786 Frankfurt (FRA) 24.11.2021* Qingdao (TAO) 25.11.2021*
LH 786 Frankfurt (FRA) 05.01.2022* Qingdao (TAO) 06.01.2022*
LH 786 Frankfurt (FRA) 26.01.2022* Qingdao (TAO) 27.01.2022*

The destination of all our charter flights is currently just planned from Frankfurt to Qingdao Jiaodong Airport. In case this will change we will inform companies who registered in our system. Flights will be scheduled on a bi-weekly or tri-weekly basis. Flights will be allocated on a “first-come-first-serve” basis.

* As the situation is uncertain, there is no guarantee a charter flight can take place as described.


How to secure your seat

As a first step, your company has to register with us. After submitting the company registration form, the contact person of the company will receive an email with an individualized link for passenger registration and information on further steps.

Please note: If you have registered your company earlier, please check your email inbox for the email with the passenger registration link. You do not need to register the company again.

Start Company Registration


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