South & Southwest China
Personal Development
Chinese 中文
GCC member: RMB 1,800/seat 会员:1,800 人民币/每位
Nonmember: RMB 2,000/seat 非会员:2,000 人民币/每位
Including lecture, course materials, refreshments and lunch含会务费、资料费、午餐费
2020-08-19 · 09:30
2020-08-19 · 17:30

Learning Objective  学习目标

This workshop aims to help you work smarter, beat work overload and achieve more. It will show you toolkits to set time-saving priorities, keys to effectively control interruptions as well as time-wasters and share insider secrets of planning and scheduling with you. You will be able to free up hours for more important responsibilities and accomplish more by holding fewer.



Course Content  课程内容

  • Time management principles   时间管理原理
  • How to make time for real priorities   为真正的需要优先安排时间
  • How to deal with people who interrupt you   如何和打断您工作的人打交道
  • Resolve priority differences among subordinates, peers and superiors   解决上司、同级、下属的工作优先权
  • Organize meetings productively   组织高产的会议
  • Manage incoming and outgoing information effectively   有效控制流入和流出的信息
  • Skills of planning and scheduling   制定计划的工具与技巧
  • Control fixed tasks and floating tasks   管理固定和浮动的工作任务 


Target Group  参加对象

Professionals who want to improve work efficiency by enhancing time management skills



Trainer  培训师  

Mr. Alan LEE

  • Worked in a prestigious multinational manufacturer as Head of Engineering department for 15 years   曾任职知名跨国生产型企业的工程部经理十五年,现为企业培训师及管理咨询师
  • Has been engaged in business, quality, engineering and customer services improvement for more than 30 years   一直致力于商务、质量、工程和客户服务的改善超过30多年
  • The Chairman of the Hong Kong Leadership Training Association for the years 1994 to 1997 and has been very active in the development of leadership training for the businesses in Hong Kong   曾担任香港领袖训练协会1994至1997年度的会长并为众多企业提供高级领导能力、决断沟通与谈判技巧、变革管理、顾员发展及辅导、监督管理技巧、团队建立、销售及顾客服务等方面的指导
  • Holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Cheng Kung University of Taiwan and a Master of Science Degree in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick, UK.   拥有台湾国立成功大学电机工程学士学位,及英国华威大学的工程业务管理硕士学位