German Chamber of Commerce

German Chamber’s Data Security Law Fact Sheet


DSL will take effect as of 1 Sep

China’s Data Security Law (DSL) will take effect as of 1 September 2021, following the passage on 10 June. Governing two highly consequential topics of data and security, the DSL will add another layer to the complex legal system. Incompliance with the law will result in administrative penalties for businesses, and fines on both companies and representatives as well.

Introducing the two concepts of key data and important data and strict security measures, the DSL indicates that other supportive regulations like “important data catalogues” and related rules will come out as a next step. While watching out for further specifications by authorities, it is suggested for companies to start to comply as soon as possible, by following some initial recommendations.

The German Chamber of Commerce in China thus prepared a practical fact sheet, with red flags raised whenever appropriate. Please tune in for other follow-up rules and regulations which we also marked. The German Chamber will stay on the lookout with its member’s interests in mind.


Download DSL Fact Sheet