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German Internship Program

The German Internship Program is an initiative jointly launched by China and Germany, aiming to strengthen bilateral relations, especially people-to-people exchanges, cooperation, and friendship, by promoting international internships for young people from both countries. We serve companies that are recruiting German interns through this project, while also helping German interns who wish to intern in China find suitable positions.

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AHK Greater China / AHK Greater China

Who can participate in this project?

If you are a German national aged between 18 and 35, currently studying or recently graduated, then this project could be an excellent opportunity for you. The program is designed for students registered in German schools, universities, technical and vocational schools, who have completed at least four semesters towards their Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate degrees. Additionally, graduates with a diploma acquired within the past 12 months in Germany are also eligible to apply.

Why should you consider participating in this project?

  • For German interns

First of all, it provides valuable work experience related to your field of study. The internship should reflect an area in which you'll acquire or hold a degree or qualification, allowing you to gain practical knowledge and hands-on skills that will greatly enhance your future career prospects. Moreover, this project offers a unique chance for personal growth and cultural exchange. By working in a foreign company or institution, you will improve your language skills, learn about different cultures, and broaden your horizons. You will also have the opportunity to network with professionals in your industry, building relationships that could help you in your future career.

  • For employers

The German internship program offers a unique opportunity to promote the integration of industry, academia, and research - a vital component for success in today's fast-paced business world. By participating in our program, companies can get a head start in acquiring potential young talents and shaping the future workforce. Additionally, our program helps businesses enhance their international employer branding by providing exposure to a diverse range of talented individuals from around the globe. With a strong focus on sustainability and long-term growth, our internship program is the perfect way to invest in the future of your business while building a strong reputation as a responsible and forward-thinking employer.

What services do we provide to companies?

  • Internship job ads posting on DE Talents
  • Confirmation Letter (documentation verification)
  • Visa application A(notification letter of work permit & Z visa)
  • Visa Application B (work permit & residence permit)
  • To deal with an intern matter to China, I needed a confirmation letter for intern and service of application for work permit. The Visa team of AHK Greater China provided a very efficient service and issued all necessary documents in no time.
    Jens Oberbeck
    Jens Oberbeck Department head
    Hanse-School for Business and Administration in Lübeck, Germany

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Visa Services

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Incubation Solutions

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