Business Development and Technology Transfer Corporation of Schleswig-Holstein (WTSH) / Hangzhou Office
Just in case you don't already know what exactly is behind the name "Schleswig-Holstein" we can tell you now that it describes a region with a large potential for growth!
Schleswig-Holstein is Germany's northernmost federal state. With its function as a hub between Scandinavia, the Baltic states and Central Europe, the state sandwiched between the North and Baltic seas is located at the heart of Europe. Schleswig-Holstein is one of Germany's most attractive locations and has a population of 2.8 million and covers an area of approximately 16,000 sq. km.
Schleswig-Holstein stands for the successful transition of a region formerly dominated by agriculture to one that has developed into a pulsating business location for services and new technologies. The ICT sector is showing higher-than-average growth, closely followed by energy and environmental technology as well as marine and medical technology. In addition, the leisure and healthcare sectors are always booming in Schleswig-Holstein.
Since 1986 a close partnership between Schleswig-Holstein and the province Zhejiang, one of China’s most economically successful regions, has existed that offers excellent conditions for future business partnerships.
The Business Development and Technology Transfer Corporation of Schleswig-Holstein (WTSH) is “the” partner for companies that want to expand, restructure or locate in Schleswig-Holstein. The WTSH is owned by the state of Schleswig-Holstein, its chambers of commerce and industry and its universities.
In Hangzhou, capital of Schleswig-Holstein’s partner province Zhejiang, the WTSH has operated its own representative office since 1996. The office’s staff helps companies from Schleswig-Holstein to enter the Chinese market and offers consultancy to Chinese companies regarding business partnerships and locating in Schleswig-Holstein.
Our consultants are happy to be at your service if you need information about Schleswig-Holstein and support regarding your business activities. Our services are free of charge and you can be sure that your queries will be dealt with confidentially. The WTSH also offers detailed information on how to utilize federal government support program opportunities as well as those of the European Union. Whether it is the municipality, the chamber of commerce and industry or local authorities we will quickly make the necessary connections and refer you to the right contact person. Customer satisfaction is our highest priority.
Our services
Chinese companies in Schleswig-Holstein
An important task is consultancy and support for Chinese companies. The WTSH can help you to set up a representative office or a subsidiary in Schleswig-Holstein. The staff of the WTSH office in Hangzhou are your direct contacts and are happy to be at your service to answer any questions you may have.
Our free service package covers:
- Quick and individual help on planning where to locate in Schleswig-Holstein
- Information about the business climate in Schleswig-Holstein
- Help finding suitable industrial real estate and office space
- Information about financing and support opportunities
- Establishment of contacts to public and private institutions in the state
- Consultancy and support regarding official approval issues
- Support concerning residency questions
- Organization of contacts to other companies
With our know-how your entry into Schleswig-Holstein could not be easier. We are very familiar with the small obstacles foreign companies are faced with when starting up business and help you to overcome them! And it goes without saying that the WTSH will continue to support you after setting up business in Schleswig-Holstein.
Contact us today! We are happy to be at your service.
Services for companies from Schleswig-Holstein in China
With the help of the representative office in Hangzhou the WTSH supports the foundation, development, competitiveness and market presence of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from Schleswig-Holstein in China. The following instruments are available for this purpose:
1. Foreign trade consultancy
The WTSH advises companies from Schleswig-Holstein on how to successfully enter a foreign market. The WTSH offers information, carries out market research and helps to find suitable business contacts.
2. Company pool
Together with the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce Shanghai, the WTSH offers companies from Schleswig-Holstein the opportunity to become a member of a company pool. This way companies interested in doing business in China have a permanent, cost effective and efficient presence which offers the following advantages: Market research carried out by competent staff on-site, establishment of contacts to foreign business partners, permanent and exclusive representation of interests, organization and support of business visits.
3. Office-in-Office
The WTSH offers companies interested in doing business in China the opportunity to set up their own office within the fully furnished WTSH premises in Hangzhou, including qualified staff. The Office-in-Office option is the simplest, quickest and most cost effective way for companies to set up their own office in China.
Business Development and Technology Transfer Corporation of Schleswig-Holstein
Mr. Kristian Hamel
Foreign Investment Germany | Lorentzendamm 24 24103 Kiel Germany
0049 431 66666-878 -
Mr. Ma Ke
Member CHINA| Hangzhou Office, Room 1502, Modern International Plaza, B Tower, Tianmushan Road 159, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310007
0086 571 56832085