Mr. Bertram Roth
Director Overseas Operations & Head China Marketing Frankfurt Office, Unterschweinstiege 8 60549 Frankfurt am Main Germany
+49 (0) 69 68 60 38 78 | +49 (0) 160 91897387 bertram.roth @frm-united.comFrankfurt is the largest trade fair venue in Europe with more than 50 trade fairs a year
DE-Cix: Germany‘s highest capacity internet hub with 90% of all inner-German and 35% of all European online traffic, is one of three largest Internet Exchanges in Europe.
Smart environment for R & D, especially for key industries as logistics, automobile, IT and telecommunications, industrial automation and biotechnology
FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH International - Marketing of the Region is a company comprised of 29 districts, towns and cities in the FrankfurtRhineMain region, which is one of the most dynamic and strongly growing business regions, not just in Germany, but throughout Europe. The company’s mission is to inform foreign companies about the benefits of the region and to attract them to the region, to promote the region’s ability to compete at international level, and to strengthen the perception of the region abroad. Our strengths ensure our ability to compete at international level. We have joined forces to create a single entity that is responsible for communicating the unique range of services offered by the region across the globe. As for China, the Chinese enterprises can specifically benefit from the multi-partnership between Frankfurt am Main and Guangzhou, town of Offenbach and Yangzhou, district of Offenbach and city of Liaocheng in Shandong, and Hessen and Jiangxi province as well as Hunan province.
What can we do for you?
As well as actively marketing our region, one of the priorities of our task is getting you settled here. Our range of gratuitous services includes:
Contact us. And see for yourself how competent we are and what success potential the region has to offer.
Director Overseas Operations & Head China Marketing Frankfurt Office, Unterschweinstiege 8 60549 Frankfurt am Main Germany
+49 (0) 69 68 60 38 78 | +49 (0) 160 91897387 bertram.roth @frm-united.comDirector China | C/o Delegation of German Industry & Commerce Shanghai Shanghai Liaison Office, 23/F China Merchants Plaza | North Building, No. 333 North Chengdu Road | Shanghai 200041
+86 (0) 159 2120 0678 harald.fuchs@frm-united.comSenior Manager China Shanghai Liaison Office, 23/F China Merchants Plaza | North Building, No. 333 North Chengdu Road | Shanghai 200041
+86-(0) 186 2111 0596 zhixian.xu@frm-united.comSenior Manager China | C/o Delegation of German Industry & Commerce Beijing Beijing Liaison Office, DRC Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building, Tower E, 6th Floor, Unit D01-0-0601A No. 19 Dongfangdonglu, Chaoyang District, 100600 Beijing
+86(0) 158 0127 7239