GC Roundtable

The GC Roundtable enjoys a long tradition and supports future topics.

Originally known as the JV Roundtable, German companies have used the GC Roundtable as a tool to find solutions to problems since 1994. Today there is less focus on problems particular to joint ventures, so the JV Roundtable changed its name to the GC Roundtable in 2009. The GC Roundtable was founded by the industry at a pioneering time for many German companies in the spirit of helping each other.

Today, GC Roundtable topics are mostly current issues or future trends. Once or twice a year we have an evening with Chinese authorities in order to build bridges.

The moderator makes sure that at least 30% of the participants actively engage in the two-way dialogue. We established a 2-Way-Road in communication.

After an open cross table discussion we have further exchanges of ideas.

Who Should Participate
Active participants who contribute to the topic under discussion. Topics discussed at GC Roundtables are primarily aimed at people in management positions.